Gaiety's visual representation as a fursona (an original furry fandom character) depicted as an animated gif falling downward with a controlled hand outstretched. Faer hair and tail waves in the wind while their floppy dog ears flop about as well. Fae are an anthromorphic canine like a german shepherd clothed like a human in a t-shirt and denim shorts. Art is by Lynte.

json-query-chain in Repos

Chain queries onto POJOs to return precise results.

Fork on Gitlab

npm version

100% test covered and developed with Test-Driven Development.


import Query from 'json-query-chain';

let myQ = new Query(someJsonData)
.search('isActiveUser', true)

Chainable Methods


Currently supports booleans and strings. (See #1 for Integer Support)

By Boolean
.search('isActiveUser', true)
By String
.search('name', 'steele')


Simpler version of search using a custom function in the chain.

.filter(a => a.age >= 21)
By Key
.filterBy('age', x => x >= 21)


By Boolean
.sort('isActiveUser', true)
By String
By Number


Page 1 with 5 results per page.

.paginate(1, 5)

Page 2 wtih default of 10 results per page.



npm test runs tests through Jest

Wish to contact me about meetup or conference talks, work opportunities or otherwise? Reach out to me via email.


Work history, skills, volunteering and talks given all in a one page PDF.

Life (Blog)

Programming, art, design, and other queer things.

Art (Gallery)

A cross-section of my artistic brain in photography, digital, painting and more