Gaiety's visual representation as a fursona (an original furry fandom character) depicted as an animated gif falling downward with a controlled hand outstretched. Faer hair and tail waves in the wind while their floppy dog ears flop about as well. Fae are an anthromorphic canine like a german shepherd clothed like a human in a t-shirt and denim shorts. Art is by Lynte.

Austin Give Camp - The SEED in Community

Adult & Family Learning Community

A Pro-bono web project done during 2016's Austin Give Camp

Through analytics it was apparent very few could find out how to sign up for classes on learning English - an all English website and the page being burried through subnavs was the likely culprit. We user tested some updated designs where a non-native speaker could jump right to a Spanish page on how to sign up for classes first.

Adult & Family Learning Community

Using Adobe Illustrator I was able to visualize personas, design intents, problems and wireframes through scenarios before we implemented the new site flow.

Wireframe with rough digital sketches pointing various mobile screens to one another indicating which buttons move to which screens. Listed are three micro-personas, three scenarios, and several design intents. Each persona leads to a scenario where either a student wishes to learn English as a second language or donors and volunteers are directed on how to learn more and donate their time or money.

We then improved internationalization for the rest of the website to support all the user personas we had discovered: The Student, The Donor, and The Volunteer. Next up was improving ways people can get involved either through their time or their dollar through a better workflow and cleaned up content.

A group of people of a wide range of ages posing for a photo celebrating the launch of the new site

Small tweaks made a world of difference for these users. Even ensuring the site ran on HTTPS significantly raised the confidence of a potential donor. I just about cried tears of happiness when the thank you letters came in from the group for impact we made on their group and org.

A pile of thank you letters addressed to the team

Wish to contact me about meetup or conference talks, work opportunities or otherwise? Reach out to me via email.


Work history, skills, volunteering and talks given all in a one page PDF.

Life (Blog)

Programming, art, design, and other queer things.

Art (Gallery)

A cross-section of my artistic brain in photography, digital, painting and more